Someone Needs To Buy This Guy A Beer!!!
/ICYMI: A fan hit Giancarlo Stanton with his own HR ball from atop the Green Monster over the weekend!
We at Boston Attitude think that this fan in the Green Monster seats that threw a Giancarlo Stanton home run ball back onto the field and hit Stanton, on a bounce, needs to be bought a beer. After all he was tossed out of the game after making an incredible throw. It’s rumored that he isn’t even a Boston fan but who ever he his is @BostonAttitude will buy him a beer for that highlight last weekend.
I’ll defiantly be in McGreevy's this Thursday night for the Patriots game!! If you’re the guy; stop in and have a cold one on me!!
While we are at it. Lets give a shout out to Giancarlo Stanton , who was impressed by the stunt, looking up at the fans on the Green Monster and giving them a smile and a salute. Class Act!!
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